Tag Archives: karen

Every day’s a learning day

Karen had been feeling more unsure of herself ever since the prophesied day of reckoning, as predicted by QAnon, had failed to materialise. She fervently believed in the power of deposed president Donald J Trump to battle against the ‘elite satanic paedophile rings’ that she just knew must be operating covertly somewhere out there. The internet had told her so. 

The funny thing was Karen was English, lived in Kent and had no bonds to America whatsoever. She did live alone with an indeterminate number of cats however. None of this was clearly any barrier to her becoming a believer though. Now, when she thinks about just about anything her thought process becomes hazy and she quickly becomes angry. Pretty much like her picture really.

Every day’s a learning day. Or so they say. I can definitely confirm this for the days I was using a palette knife to create this image. It started out as something else but ended up as Karen here. As is life.



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