Daily Archives: September 8, 2010

My Favourite Celebrity Quotes… Part 2

As promised in an earlier post i’m showing some more of the Celebrity Quote pieces we produced last year. As a whole host of celebrities are seemingly paid huge amounts to come up with vapid and narcissistic comments I thought it only fair to hold a mirror up to their vanity and show what pampered children they tend to be. Saying that some of them make me laugh and that’s apparently the best medicine – so maybe they should be prescribed on the NHS. I’m not doctor so don’t quote me on that though…

I don’t really think they need much introduction but in case you’ve forgotten what Hugh Grant‘s is about check here. These were so much fun I’m surprised I haven’t done more…



Jack Black

Jack on tube

Amy Winehouse

Amy on street

Freddie Mercury

Freddie on street

Hugh Grant

Hugh on street

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Filed under art, funny, Graffiti, stencil, street art

Facing East

As with most of our pictures i would have a hard time explaining how or why they come into being.

Well, what can i tell you about this little number? It is a diptych, it is an experiment in colour (or lack of) and it is based on a picture of a Chinese girl. Beyond that it’s difficult to say. Perhaps I was listening to ‘Go West’ by the Pet Shop Boys and decided unconsciously to create a picture that was the antithesis of their lyrics. Perhaps I thought the girl in the original picture was mystifying and enigmatic and just needed to paint her. Perhaps I just wanted to get the paints out and get messy. Who could possibly say? Not me. Anyway, i’m just rambling on again – so it’s best I leave now and you can make up your own mind about the picture…

Right, what’s next?



Title: Facing East (Monochrome)
Media: Acylic, ink, oil pastel, spraypaint, charcoal and paint pen
Size: A2


Title: Facing East (Polychrome)

Media: Acylic, ink, oil pastel, spraypaint, charcoal and paint pen

Size: A2

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Filed under art