Tag Archives: idiom


Gloria had finally done it. Through an arcane mix of magic and technology she had finally invoked Ctrl+Alt+Del in the real world. 

Now, when she muttered the magic words Clippy the paperclip appeared and asked how he could help. She now had the ability to reset people who were vexing her. It was really quite something. One second they’d be chatting inanely away then they’d get a blank look in their eyes, sit like a mannequin for a few seconds then look embarrassed and shuffle off as they attempted to make sense of what just happened. 

Gloria was really looking forward to Christmas this year…

Ctrl+Alt+Del is A2 in size and made using spray paint, acrylic, paint pen and oil pastel. It will be available on our new website imminently (link in bio)…



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Filed under art, Graffiti, mixed media, Painting

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed

We here at id-iom sometimes get ourselves into a little bit of an impasse. One of us likes drawing nudes and the other does not, saying things like ‘Back on the naked ladies tip I see…(winking face)’ whenever I share a new one with him.

This is exactly how the conversation about this piece started and it would have ended the same way as it always does, that was until I found this quote from William Blake ‘Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed’ which I quickly scrawled across the picture. I might have found a workaround for this picture but the trouble is I have about 20 unfinished pieces all of naked women, can I find 20 more quotes about naked beauty I’m not so sure I can…



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Filed under art, Graffiti, mixed media, Painting

The Lady of the Lift

We haven’t really painted enough walls this year so when Irony got in touch to ask if we’d like to throw some paint around at Nags Head Market in Holloway we replied with all the gusto you can gather from two middle aged men, blew off the cobwebs and said yes. 

We were apparently meant to have between 4pm and 10pm to try and get two pieces completed but that was wishful thinking. Instead we had about 2 1/2hrs painting time due to the cleaner who kept gently reminding us that he was leaving soon and that we should leave as well. Nothing like a deadline to get an artist moving.

One of the pieces we managed to complete was ‘The Lady of the Lift’. She guards the lift entrance just like a bouncer and will only let you pass if she believes your intentions are good. Otherwise she just opens the door when the lift isn’t there and woe betide the fool who isn’t quick enough to realise…



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Filed under art, Graffiti, Painting, stencil, street art

With no obvious cause

Kimberly had no idea how it had all started. For the past couple of months dark clouds had been hanging over Kimberly. But these were cute little sentient rain clouds that followed her around looking stormy but adorable all day. They defied any rational explanation and at least their darling little raindrops didn’t actually get you wet nor did the lightning actually cause any more than an endearing miniature light show. 

She’d gone through the initial phases of shock/disbelief, denial and finally acceptance but she didn’t really know what to do next in life. She’d had to quit work at the library because the thunderstorms were becoming such an appealing attraction that no reading was actually being done. There’d been job offers; weathergirl, presenter on Japanese TV and some pretty odd porn proposals but so far she’d turned them all down. Then her alarm went off and Kimberly was brought crashing back to reality at 07.15am in a grim and grey London on a Wednesday morning in early November. As the details of the dream slipped from her mind she briefly wondered ‘What the hell was that all about?’…



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Filed under art, Graffiti, mixed media, Painting

Problematic Purple

As anyone who’s stuck with us long enough will know we always like to put a little write up with our pieces. Maybe it’s to give them a little more context, maybe it’s to give us a reason for doing the work in the first place. Who knows? It’s all quite confusing. Usually the write ups come fairly easily and after a small bit of editing it’s good to go. 

Today has been more problematic. We’ve both given a go to coming up with something suitable and so far we’ve got one which revolves around the use of a poor double entendre – purple acai (tea)/purple Aki and one which involves a failed love triangle called ‘He promised her a lavender wedding’. The only thing they have in common is that they both feature a lady called Margaret who owns a publishing company. Take from that what you will… 



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Filed under art, Graffiti, mixed media, Painting

When Superheroes Kiss

When superheroes kiss strange things can happen. Never mind when they really go for it. Here we have Spanish superhero Limon Cojones getting it on with Miami based super strong wrestler Blue Thunder. What’s going to happen next is anyone’s guess. I’ve seen this kind of thing before but the only consistent thing is that it’s going to be unpredictable. Perhaps it will start raining lemonade and kittens. It’s happened before. Which kind of means it’s unlikely to happen again. 

This is the first of some sketches for bigger pieces that all revolve around the strange but surprisingly mundane love lives of superheroes. Why? Well, I’ve got to fill my time somehow and this seemed like a good idea at the time. 

As an aside, I’ve got no idea what the Japanese text says as I translated it ages ago and have forgotten. I’m going to go with something like ‘superhero kiss kiss’ but I wouldn’t be suprised if it said something else entirely. So, if you are proficient in Japanese maybe you could help me out…



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Filed under art, Graffiti, in progress, mixed media, Painting, sketch

Rosacea the red-nosed human

I struck up a conversation the other day with a man who had more than a passing resemblance to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I have enough tact not to start a conversation with such a glaring statement but the similarities between them were uncanny with the same large red nose, massive teeth and incredibly long face. To tell you the truth it looked like one of the plastic joke ones given out for Comic Relief but, of course, I didn’t say that either. Instead I struck up a conversation about O’Neill cylinders in an attempt to bamboozle him, hopefully leading to a mild sense of confusion so that he would lower his defences and I could hopefully find out if he was actually somehow related to the famous reindeer.

I won’t bore you with the ensuing small talk but I did eventually find out that his name was Rosacea the red nosed human and he came to have such a big red nose due to a chance meeting he once had with a drunk fairy who thought it would be funny to make a human version of Rudolph. Over the years Rosacea hasn’t found it that amusing however…



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Filed under art, Graffiti, mixed media, Painting

The Stare

You’re probably not going to believe me but Gregor here used to be a top influencer on Instagram for this stunning good looks and perfect quiff but things have begun to go downhill rather rapidly for him.

It all started innocently enough. Gregor was studiously going through his daily beauty regime and was plucking a rogue nostril hair when he caught his own eye in the mirror. Taken as he was with his own reflection he gave himself a cheeky wink and it all escalated from there. Now he only has time for his own reflection. He’s given up posting on Instagram but sits staring at himself for hours on end. He will occasionally smile or wink at himself while he whispers unintelligibly into the mirror. What will come of him I hear you ask? Well if you know anything of Greek mythology then you’ll know that the story of Narcissus doesn’t end well for the person concerned…

On A4 and made using Charcoal, pencil, paint pen and acrylic, drop us a line if interested.



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Filed under art, Painting, sketch

Badvertising – Taste the Feeling (Hot foil edition)

It’s funny how many advertising slogans can be applied to the murky world of drugs if you’re so inclined. For today’s instalment in a series we’re imaginatively calling ‘badvertising’ we’ve gone for a reimagining of Coke Zero and the classic ‘Taste the feeling’ tagline and colour scheme. We could have just have easily used ‘real Coke taste and zero calories’ but preferred the classic tagline as it’s a little more descriptive in this instance. 

Anyway, today’s piece is on A4 paper and is made using the magic of imagination, foil and a laminator.



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Filed under art, Graffiti, street art, subvertising

Lou’s cafe 24hrs

Now this is a story all about how Lou’s life got flipped, turned upside down and I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there. I’ll tell you how she became the ghost with white hair. It all began one morning when she was running a little late for work and decided to eat a bit of leftover takeaway for breakfast. This turned out to be a very bad decision. Within 3 hours she was dead. It’s unclear why she has been forced to haunt her old workplace for all eternity but she does it with dignity and grace. That is until she remembers the takeaway and goes into screaming banshee mode. It can certainly put you off your breakfast. That’s for sure. You may wonder why I’m telling you this. All I can say for sure is that questions are often more intriguing than answers. 



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Filed under art, digital, sketch