Daily Archives: April 4, 2011

Dark times

Sometimes when working the muse takes you off on a complete tangent and says ‘Okay, we’re stepping off the road into the darker unlit areas now…’ and there isn’t all that much you can do about it. These two pieces are definitely a little darker – considering they deal with someone who has murdered both their parents for 21 grams! 

It reminds of the tale of Lizzie Borden who was accused (and later acquitted) of murdering both her parents at the end of the 19th Century. Hopefully we’ll have something a little cheerier to move onto next…



Title: The Battle For The Pure White: The Night I Killed My Father For 21 Grams
Media: Screenprint, acrylic, ink, spraypaint, newspaper, stencils & paint pen
Size: Cardboard

Title: On Saturday Night I Killed My Mother Now I’m a Wanted Man
Media: Screenprint, acrylic, ink, spraypaint, newspaper stencils & paint pen
Size: Cardboard

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Filed under art, Cardboard, Graffiti, Painting, screenprint, stencil, street art