Daily Archives: November 27, 2018

The Friend Zone

Today on eBay is ‘The Friend Zone’. Click on the link below to go to our eBay shop:


I think ‘Friend Zone’ should have some accompanying theme music. I imagine it would be some kind of weird 70’s disco affair but perhaps that’s just me. The lady in this piece was going to be used in a commission but (doh!) I didn’t read the brief properly and soon realised that it wouldn’t work.

That doesn’t mean she had to go to waste though. All it would take is a little love and attention and she would be good to go for something a little different. So i decided to change the sentiment from the commission piece and mix it up a little. The commission was to do with the moments before coupling whereas this piece shows the ramifications of what can happen after the deed is done. Unlucky pal, you’ve just been relegated to the Friend Zoneā€¦



Title: The Friend Zone
Media: Acrylic, charcoal and Tipp-Ex.
Size: 50 x 31cm

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