Monthly Archives: October 2018

Fright Fright Fright Night

For those not in the know Hop-tu-Naa is a Celtic festival celebrated in the Isle of Man on 31 October when the rest of the UK celebrate Halloween.

On the Isle of Man today, many groups of people continue the tradition of singing Hop-Tu-Naa songs around the houses with turnip lanterns. In addition to this, many Hop-Tu-Naa events take place across the Isle of Man each year, most of which today include competitions for turnip carving and the singing of traditional songs

One of the more perverse traditions though is the hunting of Milky. It just so happens that Milky here has a turnip for a head so as I’m sure you can understand is very wary of this time of year. Instead of having fun like everyone else Milky has to go on the run for up to two weeks before Hop-Tu-Naa in case any young ruffian tries to carve his head for a lantern.

I managed to do this piece as he was packing his bags getting ready to flee into the Manx wilderness until this year’s hysteria has blown over.



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I am not a liar

After our enforced spring clean we were left with a few canvases that were in no fit state to be sold but not quite damaged enough to be binned. Hmmmm… What to do?

Well we finally decided to give them a quick update then find them a new home on the sweet streets of Brixton complete with one way security screws to ensure they had a chance of staying put…

First up we have Fernando who is an inveterate teller of fibs. He once stopped an old lady in the street and proceeded to tell her the story of the time he saved a herd of unicorns from an angry stray cat who just so happened to be the size of a small horse by making a rudimentary laser pointer out of a toilet tube, some elastic from his underpants and a single match.

The old dear listened for just a few seconds and from nowhere suddenly pulled out a magic wand and mumbled some magic words. Fernando hadn’t yet noticed but, obviously, his nose began to grow as he kept talking but the old lady didn’t care, she just ambled away to the shops. What’s the moral of this story? You’ll just have to work it out for yourself…





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Filed under art, funny, Graffiti, mixed media, Painting, street art

I can make love 24 hrs a day!

Today’s eBAy drop is ‘I can make love 24 hrs a day’. You can check it on the link below:

‘I can make love for 24hrs a day’ is the kind of claim you’d expect to hear on the Jerry Springer show. I’m pretty sure there must be some enterprising young souls out there who’ve probably given it a damn good shot. I’m sure being tanked on Viagra would probably help but I’m not sure I could handle it. Just think of the chafing.  But it’s a pretty spectacular boast all the same and would require taking the subject to bed in order to prove or disprove their claims. Which would probably be exactly what they want…

This picture has been reimagined from an actual news headline. I fill my head with this grubby nonsense so you don’t have to. Vive la revolution!



Title: I can make love for 24hrs a dayMaterials: Paint pen, acrylic and charcoalSize: A4

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Filed under art, Demolition Sale!, Graffiti, mixed media, Painting, products

It’s now or never man!

I thought it time for another double sided piece and ‘It’s now or never man!’ is the somewhat inevitable result.

Do you enjoy sitting on the sofa when you know you have something more important to do?

Can you spell ‘procrastination’?

Are you more inclined to err on the side of caution?

If you answered yes to any of or all of the above questions then ‘It’s now or never’ is just the product for you! It’s ideal to give you that extra little nudge you need to justify to yourself whatever decision you’re about to make. It’s that simple! Anyone can use them!

Side 2 features a disembodied and somewhat world-weary looking face giving us what surely amounts to a bit of stinkeye. Luckily for us he’s no expert at applying mascara – or lipstick for that matter it would seem. Simply inexplicable…



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Filed under art, demotivational posters, Graffiti, Painting, stencil

How Can I Tell Her?

First up this week we’ve got a stone cold id-iom classic ‘How Can I Tell Her?’ in our eBay shop. Just follow the link below:

I’m not sure if i’ve ever suffered an existential crisis on the level that this man is currently having to deal with. Sure, I’ve had some strange notions from time to time but this guy’s desperation at his inability to tell his lovely lady that they aren’t really lovers and are, in fact, just stencils is somewhat heartbreaking. The swirling maelstrom of his thoughts is reflected in the somewhat random background. Just how is he going to break it to her? Life can be tough, can’t it?

This little beauty is on A3 paper and will look lovely once framed.


Title: How can I tell her?

Materials: Spraypaint and marbling inks

Size: A3

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Filed under art, Demolition Sale!, funny, Graffiti, mixed media, products

Well I’ll bee darned…

Well, I’ll bee darned. Sebastian here came back from a street art tour in the east end last week and now thinks he knows everything about everything. Here he is suggesting some improvements to one of our paintings. Stick to making honey Sebastian pal!

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Filed under funny, other people's graffiti


Today’s eBay piece is ‘Intrepidi’ you can check it out on the link below:

On extremely hot days here in London things can get quite difficult as the city is generally built for enduring somewhat chillier weather. When the temperature does hit the heady heights of 30+ degrees it takes a certain kind of person to knuckle down and continue get stuff done.

To survive you’ll need ‘the grim determination of self’ which most folk just don’t have. Most people just call in sick and use the time to sit on their sofa in their underwear watching the tennis whilst simultaneously enjoying a cold beer and complaining about the unseasonal heat. I’ll readily admit that I don’t work well at high temperatures and have been known to do this quite often. When it comes around to the winter however I will also procrastinate saying it’s either too cold or to dark to work. As is life.

This isn’t the case for this fella though, he’s a straight up trooper, a soldier, a man of steel. When the chips are down, he gets up just so he can get down. That’s just the kind of guy he is. Although he’s not the most fun at house parties. It’s swings and roundabouts really isn’t it?



Title: Intrepidi
Materials: Paint pen, acrylic, ink, charcoal, silver leaf and spray paint
Size: A3

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Filed under art, mixed media, Painting, products

The taste of my cherry lips

Margaret here used to be one of the worlds most famous supermodels. She could demand pretty much anything she wanted and the people surrounding her would grovel around and get it.

Sadly just last Friday she was bitten by a vampire called Dicky who on the vampire scale is pretty low on the ladder as he himself was only bitten the week before that. So, as you may expect, he has no castle or timeless treasures to speak of. In fact, all he has is a one bed flat just outside Epsom which has been surrounded by cats that constantly hiss at him now he’s a vampire.

Margaret, on the other hand, is now THE most famous of supermodels. All the other models are jealous as she parties all night, is paid more, is never seen eating and she has such pale and delicate skin. If only they knew…



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Filed under art, Painting, products


Today’s eBay piece is ‘Blaaaaa’ you can check it out on the link below…

You know sometimes when you’re speaking to someone and you get the distinct impression that no matter how you go forward with the supposed conversation they are, in fact, delivering a soliloquy to which you are expected to be nothing other than a passive receptacle for their ill considered ramblings.

They may be ‘drunk’ or just plain ignorant but there is always a solution for dealing with such nuisances. These range from the somewhat passive ‘I’m just heading to the loo’ (obviously not in order to return) to the more confrontational ‘just what on earth are you talking about?’ to the downright aggressive approach of giving them a Captain Kirk style ninja chop to the side of their neck. It’s all about balancing up the escape opportunities and the threat level presented. In the case of this picture it appears to just be a drunken girl so you have the whole spectrum of responses to consider. It’s down to you…



Title: Blaaaa
Materials: Paint pen, acrylic, pencil, pastel and charcoal
Size: A4

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Filed under art, Painting, products